a Republican for the office of Augusta County Treasurer.
I find it interesting, however that the Party has slighted me. I paid a $250 filing fee to be a candidate in the upcoming Republican mass meeting. I thought by doing this, the local Republicans would have contacted me with the opportunity to place some of my signs on the GOP 4th of July parade float. I guess I was mistaken when I believed that my years of commitment and multiple leadership roles in the ACRC would
afford me that courtesy. I was glad to be involved with my good friends at the Shenandoah Valley TEA Party Patriots float which drew tremendous applause at every turn.
The absence of my signs and the presence of my opponent's signs on the GOP float, along with Chairman Bill Shirley's obvious display of my opponent's lapel sticker, is making me question the integrity of the upcoming mass meeting. See photo (click photo to enlarge) photos taken of the July 4th, 2011 GOP parade float.
It has become apparent to me that the GOP establishment good old boys are undermining my candidacy so that they can cover up the facts of a flawed assessment. If I were to get in as treasurer, I would have access to documents that could produce the evidence of a flawed assessment that was rubber-stamped by my opponent, Treasurer Richard Homes.
I am resolved to continue my fight for the nomination of the GOP especially after paying $250 to participate in what I thought would be a fair election. I hope those who question the good old boy system as much as I will show up on Thursday, July 28, at 6:30 pm at the Government Center in Verona.
Please check out the happenings of the campaign at www.JasonBibeau.com
Good old boys, Don't Tread On Me.
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