Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Clinton Did it Why can't Bush

Tuesday, December 9, 2008
The Cancer known as the UAW
America it is time to ask yourself this question: When did we become a country where if you build a better mousetrap you and and so does the guy who didn't build a better mouse trap? That my friends is called "Socialism" and is far removed from capitalism and quickly destabilizes healthy democracies.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Poll Question Answer
New poll question to be added soon and thanks for taking part in the blogespheres own type of democracy.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
I modified my template, what was I thinking?
I recently got brave due to some spare time (see: Devils hands / really bad idea) and decided that I was going to modify my template and get the 3 columns that I wanted. I saved my current template (not a useful as it would seem) so that I would have a fall back if I did something wrong (all but guaranteed). I then went deep into the "code" looking for several things that I expected to find (right after Elvis & Jimmy Hoffa) such as the code specific to the left column and the width adjustment for the center / posting column. I planed on finding the code for the narrow column on the left, duplicate this code and make the change for right as opposed to left justification. I made some changes, feeling confident that I found and changed the correct lines of code (flatulence putting you on the moon more likely) and clicked the appropriate boxes to accept the changes and save. Blogger asked me if I was sure I wanted to make these changes (mental note: questions like this are trying to prevent idiots like me from making bad choices). I confidently clicked the appropriate boxes and waited to see my awesome creation. If you've ever tried this yourself and it worked out, then your obviously smarter than I am (doesn't take much). If what occurred to you is anything like what happened to me, than you likely said things that you wouldn't say in the presence of small children, woman, or priests. As you can imagine, the outcome was somewhere between blater pain in traffic and forced viewing of Rosie O'Donnell (not sure which is worse).
No problem, I was smart, I saved my original work right? Well sort of, you see when you save a Blogger template, it only saves your actually work (posts) and a minimal amount of formatting. All the sidebar materials including links, widgets, list, and anything else except the blog archive went bye bye (insert visual of rake handle to the crotch). If your like me and you have a lot of sidebar add ons and other sidebar items then this becomes a large pain in posterior region.
I realized that I needed help or an asylum and I needed it soon or my by blog was toast (and not the nice cinnamon sugar kind from childhood). Thanks to Carl Kilo over at Spark it Up I got back on track with a Blogger friendly template that he found and sent to me. Once I got the new template loaded things were more or less back to normal, less spending the morning putting in all new widgets and links. I'm sure that I forgot some that were on my original blog.
There is some good new out of this, I finally got a 3 column template (good blogger, now I can have donut). If you too want your Blogger based blog to be a 3 column template, you may want to go here, this site has 3 column templates that are the same as the basic 2 column templates already offered by Blogger. This is very handy for most Blogger users, because it allows them keep the ease of use and familiar feel from a Blogger provided template but adds the use and options of a 3 column template. If you want to dig deeper and do other cool things to your blog you may want to go the Blogflak blog where they cover just about everything you could ever want to do to a blog (wish I found them before I dived into the chum water).
If you've previously voted on my current poll question, please vote again as this was one of them many things that went to the technology netherworld during this project.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Poll Question Answer
A new poll question will be up soon and as always, thank you for taking part in the blogespheres own format of democracy.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Now you can hear The Augusta Water Cooler

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Happy V Day and Happy B Day to the U.S.M.C.

The addiction of technology

I was in UTTER TERROR at that thought that I may loose my computer. I was a Boy Scout most of my youth and in the Army for 8 years. I've been trained to exist and persevere in most conditions that can be found on Earth, yet at the thought of loosing my precious laptop and everything in it, I nearly acted as if I'd been told the world was about to end. The computer place called me back the next day. They told me that business was slow and that they had time to play with it a bit, since it was believed to be a lost cause anyway. They told me that they found the only problem was the fan and it could be replaced for a reasonable dollar amount. The clouds lifted and I smiled the smile of a happy man, my baby was coming home.
What I realized from this experience was that I am way too chained to my technology. Between blogging, email, banking, investing, gaming, "Googleing", and any other purpose I can think of not to mention my iPhone and all that it does. I have an addiction and the scary part is that even though I can acknowledge that (first step in most addict programs or so I'm told), I can't imagine and can't say that I would want to give any of it up.
Does technology make us more efficient and capable or doomed to a future of reliance on gadgetry and the possibility of something made famous in a certain "Governator" movie we all remember?
Poll Question Answer
New Question will go up soon, and thanks for taking part in the Blogesphere's own form of democracy.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Barack's Friends
Truth is a funny things in that it's frequently ignored by the mainstream media.
Sam Rasoul deceives NRA voters with Fishersville campaign sign!
I would agree that one sign could be a mistake and not of the knowledge of the Sam Rasoul campaign, but with two comfirmed signs and another reported all in high traffic areas I have to reasonalby assume that the Rasoul campaign is aware and OK with this. If this allegation and assumption is correct than it leaves some questions. Sam Rasoul, why are you intentionally lieing and misleading voters who are interested in what the NRA thinks? Mr. Rasoul if you genuinly aren't aware of these signs and didn't authorize them, then who is runing your campaign and why would you want liers runing you campaign?
Saturday, November 1, 2008
ACORNS Top 10 Voter Registration Abuses
- Mickey Mouse registered to vote by ACORN in FL.
- Tony Romo and the entire starting lineup of the Dallas Cowboys registered to vote by ACORN in Nevada (despite none being residents of that state).
- In Milwaukee, Wis., a woman complained that a voter registration was submitted for her husband, who had been dead for 10 years.
- In Ohio, a Dominos Pizza worker claimed he was hounded by the ACORN activists to register even though he already had. He estimated he registered to vote another "10 to 15" times after ACORN activists relentlessly pursued him.
- In Connecticut, ACORN submitted a voter registration card for a 7-year-old girl, whose age was listed at 27.
- The Kink County, Washington, Canvassing Board revoked 1,762 allegedly fraudulent voter registrations submitted by ACORN employees.
- In Missouri, one ACORN registrant named Monica Rays showed up on no fewer than eight forms, all bearing the same signature.
- A teenager in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, said he was offered smokes and money to fill out voter registration cards. The elections board has 73 cards with his name on them.
- In Milwaukee, Wis., ACORN improperly used felons as registration workers.
- ACORN has registered over 1.3 million voters this year.
Considering what a colossal joke this organization has become, I don't blame Sen. Obamas from trying to hide the FACT that he was closely associated with this group before, during, and after law school. In addition to the criminal and ethical issues that ACRORN seems to be constantly part of they may also have ties to the worlds oldest profession; read the full story here which was posted on the Leslie Carbone blog.
At this point anyone with a half a brain would put more faith in a voter registration orgnization run by Tony Soprano than ACORN.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Still Undecided, Take the Obama Test
What Terrorist Leaders Think of Sen. Obama
Ok, this is clearly satire, but Sen. Obamas own words aren't too far removed.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
ACORNS Pathetic Diversion Attempt
This is beyond compare, disingenuous, and quite frankly pathetic. ACORN has a terrible reputation and is frequently the target of voter fraud inquiries. For this group to use the likeness of this black man in a ridiculous attempt to take the attention off their utterly embarrassing and in some cases criminal activities is shameless and revolting. Facts are clear and there is not one single shred of credible information that puts the McCain Campaign involved with disenfranchising any voter group unless your referring to voters like; Mickey Mouse, dead people, or my favorite people who don't provide id in an attempt to vote more than once. If those are the people that we "Republicans" are disenfranchising that yes were guilty as charged.
I'm amazed and sickened that ACORN would sink to the level of using this type of ad in a putrid attempt to guilt people into thinking they're a great organization and subliminally tell voters that if you vote for Sen. McCain then your probably a racist.
I'm glad the FBI is looking into this sham of an organization in many states and I hope that those responsible are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
I would hope that this particular ACORN would be eaten by a chipmunk but wouldn't want to poison a cute little innocent creature with that groups BS.
2nd Amendment Poll Question Answer
Many facts on this issue can be found here. Thanks for voting in this poll a new one will be up soon.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Was that lobster gold plated? RETRACTION
I like many bloggers get story ideas from a variety of sources and always make an effort to try and validate a story before posting it. This story was covered by numerous print and TV sources previous to my posting and was believed to be a credible story at the time that I posted it.
I apologize to the Obama family for the original post. I may not agree with the Obama Campaign on most issues, but I will not intentionally post things that are found to not be true and if I do I will promptly print a retraction. I like to think that blogging is about the sharing of ideas and opinions from regular people as opposed to professional journalists trying to sell a paper and as such people will think were too hard or too soft or just plain suck. I'm OK with any and all critiques of my work as I'm the one who put it in the public spotlight and should to a degree be held accountable for it's content. I will never use this blog or any other I may be part of as a "drive by smear machine", however when I feel a story is credible especially one the main stream media won't talk about I will not hesitate to run with it if I feel it needs to be out there.
I would like to thank readers like "Doug" who keep me honest and thanks for reading and thinking.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
The August Water Cooler on BNN/VA
Thanks to all my readers and commentors for keeping me honest and for keeping me blogging even at times when I didn't think anyone cared.
Was that lobster gold plated?

I am willing to bet that the Obama's distributive wealth way of viewing your money and our economy was not on their mind that day, unless they were utilizing the common liberal philosophy of do as I say not as I do.
I understand the concept of the occasional splurge night out and like to take my beautiful wife out to dinner somewhere nicer than normal once or twice a year. When we do this we don't worry about the prices and order what we want. In the 8 years I've been fortunate enough to be her husband I honestly doubt all those dinners added up wouldn't reach the Obama afternoon snack tab, and they didn't even have dessert and coffee, we did.
Sen. Obama you claim to be a man of the people and based on what is pictured above, I seriously doubt that.
Sen. Obama, I'll give you some advise, if your going to use your considerable wealth and power to splurge, do it right. Get on the plane, go to Maine, get the motorcade to Old Orchard Beach and get some of the best seafood you'll ever eat at Kens. Get the Secret Service guys a clam cake, they'll love you for it. The food will be fresher and taste better, but don't count on silk napkins or Bollinger because Kens ain't got it. All they have is great fresh seafood and great everyday people (the kind you claim to be.)
$447.39 for a snack, get real and get a clue.
Michelle Obama echoes Baracks true views

"The truth is, in order to get things like Universal Health Care and a revamped Education System, then someone is going to have to give up a piece of the pie so that someone else can have more."
Michelle Obama
This woman and her husband aren't even trying to hide how much they think that they can distribute your money smarter than you can. The part that should really make you mad as a taxpayer is that not only do they think you aren't smart enough to manage your money, but don't think you deserve the money. That's right America, Sen. Obama thinks that if you've worked hard and found success especially if your a business owner than you owe some of that success to your neighbors who have not been as successful. Sounds kind of like Robin Hood doesn't it. Well NO ACTUALLY IT'S NOTHING LIKE ROBIN HOOD AND HERE IS WHY. The age old story of Robin Hood, he and his Merry Men stole from the royals and other tyrannical rich and gave to those who had not hope no matter what they did. Robins arch nemesis was of course the Sheriff of Nottingham, who represented all that was wrong with the ruling class of the time. I ask you, are you the Sheriff, do you have wealth beyond compare, do you have money, power, and influence simply because you were born? I doubt it, because most Americans are hard working people who bust their butts everyday to get ahead and provide for their families. Some Americans put nearly everything they have to start a business and hopefully employ other people as a result of that hard work. Sen. Obama wants take that success and give it to others who either don't have or don't deserve it. Sen. Obama says that his tax plan will only cost people and business's that are worth / make $250,000.00 per year. That's sound like a lot of money right? My wife and I were recently speaking to a couple we know that own and run a local pet store. This is not some franchise with national add support and big volume purchase benefits, it's just a small business. A small business that make over $250,000.00 (gross) per year and they are very concerned about Sen. Obamas plan stating it will hurt them financially. I asked him if there revenue was above average? They laughed, stating if your a retail business small or otherwise and not making at least $250,000.00 per year, your not staying afloat. They told us that after everything gets paid they only make about $60,000.00 per year between the both of them. They laughed again and said, "yeah were real rich."
"From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs."
Karl Marx
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Sam Rasoul deceives NRA voters with Waynesboro campaign sign!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Wrong Again Sen. Obama

Click the photo to the left for all the details on this pathetic plan which once again shows how much we can not trust Sen. Obama to be our next President.
Enough is enough America, we need to stand and with one strong solid voice and clearly state that we as a nation will not go quietly into the night, we will not surrender to the forces of evil and we will never stop in the tireless fight to obtain and maintain truth, justice, order and the fruits of freedom that is the gift of every American Citizen.
Just to be clear
This blog is predominately political in nature, but from time to time, I will post things that are not political in nature and are simply things I find interesting.
I look forward to the future of the Augusta Water Cooler and will always be open to any suggestion you have for this blog or topics that you would like to see covered. For more information on this blogs author please read my full profile.
Poll Question
Thanks for taking part in the blogespheres own version of democracy.
Wealth Spread

No thanks Sen. Obama, I prefer real butter, at least I know whats in real butter. Real Change I don't want this kind of change I would prefer Real Leadership, Sen, McCain and Gov. Palen have proven they can provide Real Leadership. Sen. Obama, all you have proven is that you can lie, misled, and right a view books while trashing the 2nd Amendment when not simply voting "present".
A different kind of Gun Control
Some comedic gems

You Need To See This #2
Wake Up America. I will not say that Sen. McCain is the greatest guy alive or any other such comments and will state that of the Republicans who ran for the ticket, Sen. McCain was not my first choice. When you look at seemingly never ending events where we know that Sen. Obama has either outright lied to us or intentionally misled us, it becomes obvious that Sen. McCain is the clear choice for President.
You Need To See This!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Facts on Sen. Obamas 2nd Amendment history
I found some quotes from Sen. Obama that may give a better idea of what he thinks. In full disclosure, I did get these quotes from a source that is clearly opposed to an Obama Presidency, however this does not change the fact that he said these very things and are a matter of record.
"I think it's a scandal that this president [Bush] did not authorize a renewal of the assault weapons ban."
Illinois Senate Debate #3, Barack Obama vs. Alan Keyes, 10/21/04
"I am consistently on record and will continue to be on record as opposing concealed carry."
Chicago Tribune, 4/27/04
"There is in individual right to bear arms. But it is subject to commonsense regulation."
Journal Sentinel Online, 2/15/08
"I believe in keeping guns out of our inner cities, and that our leaders must say so in the face of the gun manufacturers' lobby."
The Audacity of Hope, by Barack Obama, 2006
"I think we have two conflicting traditions in this country" [gun ownership and restrictions on guns.]
Politico, 2/11/08
"I think that local jurisdictions have the capability to institute their own gun laws."
Baltimore Sun.com 2/15/08
Senator Obama can say whatever he wants, but his statements in the past are clear as to how he feels about your gun rights. Some of you especially those who are Sen. Obama supporters will likely say "Yeah he may have said that, but lots of people say a lot of things, what are his actions?" I glad you asked that questions and I have a few answers.
Obama endorsed a ban on all handguns;
Independent Voters of Illinois / independent Precinct Organization general candidate questionnaire, 9/9/96 & Politico 3/31/08
Obama support
ed increasing taxes on firearms and ammunition by 500 percent.
Chicago Defender, 12/13/99
Obama voted to limit gun purchases to one per month.
Illinois Senate H.B. 2579, Vote 34, 5/16/03
Obama voted to allow the prosecution of people who use a firearm for self-defense in their own homes.
Illinois Senate, S.B. 2165, vote 20, 3/25/04
Obama wants to reimpose the failed and discredited Clinton gun ban.
Illinois Senate Debate #3: Barack Obama vs. Alan Keyes, 10/21/04
Obama voted to ban almost almost all rifle ammunition's commonly used for hunting and sport shooting.
United States Senate, S 397, Vote 217, 7/29/05
Obama supports gun owner licensing and gun registration.
"Fact check: No News In Obama's Consistent Record." Obama campaign website, 12/11/07
So now we know what Sen. Obama has said as well as laws he has either supported or directly voted for. We know what Sen. Obama wants to do with our gun rights even after the Heller decision in the Supreme Court. The Justices rightly determined that the District of Columbia did in fact deprive Mr. Heller of his Constitutional rights in regards to the 2nd Amendment and further clarified it as an individual right which anti gun people frequently argue against.
Since it's clear based on the sourced facts listed here that Sen. Obama does not in fact support your gun rights, I have to wonder what else the good Senator has lied to us about.
This election is one of the most important elections to occur in many years, some would say the most important ever. No matter what happens this will be a history making Presidential election. The next President will have immense challenges some known and many unknown, but one thing we do know is that the next President will appoint at least one and possibly two US Supreme Court Justices. Think about the impact that could have on your rights and not just gun rights if Sen. Obama gets elected and appoints Judges with his gun rights view points. With House Speak Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Reid there is no one to put those appointees through any legitimate vetting process.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
A questions that many conservative and a few enlightened libs often ask. A good friend recently sent me these quotes / possible answers.
"Here's my strategy on the Cold War:
We win, they lose."
- Ronald Reagan
"The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."
- Ronald Reagan
"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant: It's just that they know so much that isn't so."
- Ronald Reagan
"Of the four wars in my lifetime none came about because the U.S. was too strong."
- Ronald Reagan
"I have wondered at times about what the Ten Commandment's would have looked like if Moses had run them through the U.S. Congress."
- Ronald Reagan
"The taxpayer: That's someone who works for the federal government but doesn't have to take the civil service examination."
- Ronald Reagan
"Government is like a baby: An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other."
- Ronald Reagan
"If we ever forget that we're one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under."
- Ronald Reagan
"The nearest thing to eternal life we will ever see on this earth is a government program."
- Ronald Reagan
"I've laid down the law, though, to everyone from now on about anything that happens: no matter what time it is, wake me, even if it's in the middle of a Cabinet meeting."
- Ronald Reagan
"It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first."
- Ronald Reagan
"Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it."
- Ronald Reagan
"Politics is not a bad profession. If you succeed there are many rewards, if you disgrace yourself you can always write a book."
- Ronald Reagan
"No arsenal, or no weapon in the arsenals of the world, is so formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women.
- Ronald Reagan
Libs, don't be upset, your Messiah recently said "We need to spread the wealth" and thats a great quote right? Becauase all Americans believe that if they are hard working and succesful part of their money should go to those aren't and weren't, oh wait that's Socialism.
A few pearls of wisdom from one of Americas most inspirational leaders.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
I've Had It With The Double Standard
If someone in the process of writing a pro McCain book were tapped for debate moderation, we'd see a very different media, one that would go on an absolute rampage. The double standards that we continually see is so disturbing that it's ridiculous. There are so many members of the media that constantly show cowardice, hypocrisy, and seemingly never ending series of disingenuous statements and actions. This is why many print media outlets are loosing readers every print cycle. Americans have spoken and they have had enough, which is why Fox News dominated in 9 of the 10 categories for news according to recent viewer stats.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Obama's Pork Barrel
Now Senator, if your going to say that your against something, you probably shouldn't ask for that very thing in dollar amounts totalling over 320 million in the same year, because somebody might take notice.
Some say that Sen Obama doesn't spend any time as a Senator now that he is running for President, well that's not true. He was clearly in his office long enough to request that the taxpayers fund over 320 million in earmarks.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
The NEA: National Education Association had it's annual meeting and convention of it's members this past July 08'. They even had the bulk of the event over the 4th of July which would seem very patriotic. If your like most people, you probably think that the NEA is an organization whose primary purpose to improve education, teachers, and the schools the work within. Well that isn't entirely accurate. Now before I go any further, I will state in full disclosure that I am not now nor have I even been a member of this organization.
I can't say all of what they spent their convention time on while assembled, but I can cover a few issues that they did cover. Lets remember that this is essentially a defacto teachers union.
While doing some research for this blog entry I located the NEA website and looked for a mission statement or something of that nature. I was able to located a page titled "About NEA" which include "Vision, Mission, and Values." I read this one page document to see if I simply didn't understand what the NEA was. This document pretty much spells out and organization whose primary focus is to enrich children through education.
Lets discuss what was covered at the 08' Annual Meeting. The following are some issues that I can't find a rational link to education unless that education involves indoctrination to a specific viewpoint.
Statehood for Washington DC.
And this matters to a teachers group why and enriches our children how?
Single payer health care plan.
National health care (otherwise known as bankrupting America in a yr or less.)
Gun Control
Hey teachers, I got a news flash for ya the 2nd Amendment of the US Constitution is against that, oh yeah I forgot, you only teach the parts or history you like.
Ratification of the "International Criminal Court Treaty."
WHAT, I can't begin to see how this is even remotely and issue for a teachers group to look into.
I can't speak for everyone obviously, but hearing these issues doesn't make me think of an educational organization. These issues are more commonly found in political action committees and other politically oriented organizations.
The following are issues that can more logically be linked to an educational organization:
They are deeply concerned about having to compete with non public schools.
Ok, I guess I can see the point of view on this one, they don't want to held accountable for there failings, who does.
Tax support for non-public schools.
I will say that I agree with them on this one, private schools are for the most part businesses or church supported and should not receive tax based funding unless it's in the form of some type of voucher for school choice.
Opposition to English as the national language.
I've covered this issue on this blog in the past, so I'll be brief. If I have to explain it, you wouldn't understand.
Home schooling by state certified teachers whom only use a state approved curriculum.
I've learned a lot more about this issue since moving to the Valley. I've had the opportunity to meet several home school parents and there student children. After having met these people and seeing that they are passionate and deeply caring parents with well adjusted and highly intelligent children. This issue is a power trip issue and nothing esle. The NEA and it's members would likely say that the homeschoolers aren't comprehensive or the parents aren't qualified to teach, or the children won't get socialized, or any number of other baseless issues.
They are deeply opposed to home school students having access to public school extra curricular activities and sports.
I can't find a single logical argument for this view. It's not financial because the families choosing home schooling still pay taxes into the school district that would provide the activities. Are they afraid that that home school kids might talk about things with the public school kids such as the founders intent, politics, or the "he who must not be named" of education: Christianity.
Here are some other issues that the NEA thought should be discussed at their meeting:
"Right to Reproduce"
This is nothing more than code phrase for nearly unconditional abortion on demand. They also favor children getting a broad cross section of services covering everything from birth control to mental health services most if not all without the consent of or knowledge of the child's parents.
"Comparable Worth"
I'm gonna give them the benefit of the doubt on this one and assume that what they mean by this is that two teachers of equal training, tenure, and other relevant qualifications are paid the same irregardless of there sex or other demographic.
Censorship of all masculine words and terms such as "Husband and Father" from educational materials.
I tried to thing of something objective to say on this and failed, so here is my thought on that one: It's time to take your medication and schedule another appointment with your therapist, oh and untill you get over this, don't go near students because you have serious issues that need to be dealt with by a professional.
Teaching "diversity" as early as pre-school.
If this was along the lines of all men are created equal than I would be fine with that, but its not. What they mean when they say Diversity is Adam & Steve or Susan & Sarah. At the age of pre-school there are so many things that teachers can and should be teaching that I wonder how they have time to discuss two dads or two moms.
To put "Domestic Partnerships, Civil Unions, and Marriage all on equal footing.
How many states have to have votes on this issue to find that the over whelming percentage of those who vote saying that marriage is between a man and a woman?
I'm not saying that all teachers are this way, in fact I believe that large majority of them are very well intentioned and believe that working closely with parents is the best way to turn children into successful and productive members of society.
A few Gems

Exactly how may religions do you have?